- The Company “POLIS HAMAM LP” :
Integrity and respect for all contribute to our success, are vital and are an integral part of our corporate environment.
We have created a workplace in which the personality of all employees is valued, who are given equal opportunities for development and growth. The respect and dignity of each individual employee is our immediate priority.
The corporate social policy of our Company is based on human rights. These set minimum job standards and complement our corporate values.
The Company, demonstrating zero tolerance for incidents of violence and harassment in the workplace, adopts this policy, in compliance with articles 9 and 10 of Greek law number 4808 / 19.06.2021, which ratified the International Labor Agreement 190 / 21.06. 2021 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, the text of which has been annexed to the text of the law, and which henceforth applies in parallel with the above-mentioned Policies.
- Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to create and consolidate a work environment that respects, promotes and guarantees the human dignity and the right of every person to a world of work without violence and harassment. The Company “POLIS HAMAM EE” declares that it recognizes and respects the right of every employee to a work environment free of violence and harassment and that he or she does not tolerate any such conduct, of any kind, by any person.
- Field of application
The scope of the present includes all types of personnel associated with the Company:
- with a contract of employment (indefinite or fixed-term, full-time or part-time),
- with a project contract,
- seconded staff from an EU Member State or third country staff,
- with an independent service contract,
- by paid order,
- with an apprenticeship contract,
- with a loan agreement,
- employed through third party service providers,
- volunteers,
- job seekers,
- persons whose employment relationship with the company has ended.
- Prohibited Behaviors – Definitions
Violence and harassment
Behaviors, acts, practices or threats thereof, which are intended, lead or may lead to physical, psychological, sexual or financial harm, whether manifested individually or repeatedly.
Behaviors are those whose purpose or effect is to violate the dignity of the person and to create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, humiliating or aggressive environment, whether or not they constitute a form of discrimination, including sexual harassment or other forms of discrimination.
Sexual harassment
It means the forms of behavior related to a person’s gender, which have as purpose or result the violation of that person’s dignity and the creation of a threatening, hostile, humiliating, humiliating or aggressive environment. These forms of behavior include the sexual harassment of Law 3896/2010, as well as forms of behavior related to sexual orientation, expression, identity or gender characteristics of the person.
What constitutes an incident of violence and harassment
Such behaviors that may occur are indicative of the following:
- Threatened or actual physical violence
- Bullying, oppression, persecution
- Aggressive or threatening behavior, which reasonably causes fear in another person
- Verbal hostility
- Unveiled threats
- Threats related to the position and working conditions
- Offensive comments or jokes about another person
- Arrogant, derogatory and derogatory comments
- Acts of retaliation
- Domestic violence transmitted in the workplace
- Sexual comments, jokes, gestures
- Immoral and / or offensive comments about gender or sexual orientation
- Indiscriminate questions about personal or sexual life
- Sexually implied
- Invitations for dating or sex
- Unwanted touches, whistles, caresses, kisses
- Persistent or lustful looks
- Sending messages of erotic or sexual content (by phone or e-mail)
What is NOT an incident of violence and harassment
- Direct employee oversight, including setting performance expectations
- Taking action to correct performance, such as putting an employee on a performance improvement plan
- Assignment of tasks and guidance on how and when they should be done
- Request updates or work progress reports
- Approval or refusal of permission
- Request for documentation of absence for health reasons based on applicable provisions
- The moral and / or financial reward of an excellent employee performance
- Providing constructive feedback on job performance
It means a broader spatial context in which incidents of violence and harassment can take place, namely:
- In the workplace, including public and private spaces and areas where the employee provides work, receives pay, takes a break or rests, in personal hygiene and care areas, locker rooms or accommodation provided by the company.
- Travel to and from work, other travel, business travel, education, and work-related events and social activities.
- During work-related communications, including those carried out through information and communication technologies (corporate e-mails and mobile phones).
Domestic violence
All acts of physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that take place within the family or home, regardless of biological or legal family ties, or between ex or current spouses or partners and regardless of whether the perpetrator shares or has previously shared the same residence with the victim.
Domestic violence in the workplace, for example through physical violence, sexual harassment and harassment by current or former partners, is a serious form of violence in the workplace. Acts of domestic violence, including harassment / surveillance, can also be committed by people in the same work environment with whom they have (or have had) a close relationship.
Domestic violence, in any of the above forms, exercised on the employee during teleworking.
- Obligations of the company – Measures to prevent incidents of violence and harassment.
The Company declares, once again, its zero tolerance for any incident of violence and harassment, in any form it may take, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, which takes place at work or on the occasion of it, by an employee against another employee, by a boss, by an authorized person, which is meant as an employer, by a customer, visitor, supplier and any third party.
The Company takes all appropriate and necessary measures in order, on the one hand to prevent and on the other hand to deal with and manage such incidents and forms of behavior.
More specifically, the Company:
- Provides information, but also appropriate training to its employees on dealing with incidents of violence and harassment, managing them, their responsibilities and rights.
- It requires the proper implementation of measures of health and safety of workers, in order to avoid psychosocial risks, including the risks of violence and harassment in the workplace.
- Oversees the implementation of this policy and takes action on non-compliant employees.
- Ensures a working environment, safe and fair.
- Imposes the necessary and appropriate sanctions in case of detection of a prohibited form of behavior by any employee, customer, visitor, manager.
Rights and Obligations of employees
Every employee is entitled to:
- to be treated with respect and courtesy
- not to accept violent behavior, harassment, including sexual and gender-based violence, discrimination and intimidation
- to report any incident of prohibited conduct in the workplace (in accordance with this policy, as set out below), without being victimized or suffering any other adverse consequences or retaliation
Every employee is obliged to:
- to comply with this policy and all applicable and applicable procedures for the purpose of both his personal protection and that of other employees in the company
- to immediately report any incident of violence and harassment to his superior
- cooperate in case of investigation of a complaint, which has been submitted in accordance with the following procedure
- to participate in actions and training programs of the Company regarding incidents of violence and harassment
- Additional responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors
Specifically, the Managers and Heads of the company must additionally:
- ensure the implementation of this policy in their area of responsibility
- form appropriate standards of conduct in their area of responsibility
- not to engage in the manifestation of unwanted and prohibited behaviors, in the exercise of their duties
- to act immediately when they become aware of any manifestation of a prohibited conduct
- encourage employees to report incidents of violence and harassment that they themselves have experienced or perceived
- to immediately inform the Company’s Management of any incidents of violence and harassment that have occurred in their area of responsibility
Guidelines for preventing and dealing with incidents of violence and harassment
In order to prevent and deal with incidents of violence and harassment in the workplace, it is advisable for employees to:
- They seek comprehensive and objective information on violence and harassment legislation and safeguards. The Company can provide assistance and information regarding these issues
- Participate in actions and programs aimed at combating stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination
- They correct their behavior when they realize that it is bothering or offending a colleague or colleague
- They set their individual boundaries to those around them
- Do not ignore incidents of violence and harassment
- Do not feel uncomfortable, ashamed or blame yourself for the perpetrator’s behavior
- Do not justify the behavior of the perpetrator
- Reject or calmly and resolutely reject violent or harassing behavior
- They keep a diary with details of incidents of violence and harassment
- Inform their boss or company through an informal, open and honest dialogue
- Submit a written complaint, via e-mail, for further support to: athens@polis-hammam.gr, in case no solution was reached, regarding the complaint regarding violent behavior or harassment at work
Internal Complaints and Management Procedure – “Reporting Person”
Any employee against whom any incident of violence or harassment has occurred may file an oral or written complaint to Ms. Alexandra Loutsou, who is also designated as the “reference person” for this policy. The complaint can be submitted in person or via e-mail and specifically to the email address: athens@polis-hammam.gr. The complaint can not be made anonymously.
The complaint must contain the details of the complainant, ie the person who committed the manifestation of a form of prohibited behavior, as well as a specific incident / s, which evidences it.
The reporting person thoroughly investigates each complaint and collects any information necessary about it. Complaints and investigations remain strictly confidential as far as possible, taking into account the sensitivity of the case and the confidentiality of all parties involved.
In particular, he can talk to the complainant and the complainant, examine witnesses, request the production of documents that may exist and which prove that any incident of violence and harassment has taken place or not, and communicate with the heads of each department, in case which the complainant addressed to them.
Once the reporting person has completed its investigation, it shall draw up a written report in the company’s violence and harassment log, in which it shall state the result of the investigation. The results of the investigation are communicated at the same time to both the complainant and the complainant, in order for them to become aware of them. The completion of the investigation and the submission and notification of the report of the reporting person, must take place as soon as possible and in any case no later than 3 weeks from the date of submission of the complaint by the complainant.
In the event that an incident of violence and harassment actually occurs, the Management of the company proceeds, on a case-by-case basis, to take all the necessary, appropriate and appropriate measures against the complainant. These measures may include, but are not limited to:
a) the establishment of compliance,
b) the change of his job, schedule, place and manner of employment;
c) the termination of the employment contract or cooperation with the company.
- Rights of victims
According to the current legislation, every person who suffers an incident of violence and harassment against him, has the right to leave the workplace for a reasonable time, without deprivation of salary or other adverse consequences, if in his reasonable belief there is an imminent serious risk of his life, health or safety, in particular when the employer is the perpetrator of such conduct or when he does not take the necessary appropriate measures to restore peace at work, or when such measures are not capable of stopping the violence and harassment.
In this case, the departing person is obliged to inform the “reporting person” in advance in writing, stating the incident of violence and harassment and the reasons justifying his / her belief that a serious danger to his / her life, health or safety is imminent. .
In addition, employees experiencing incidents of violence and harassment at work have the right to appeal to the competent authorities, as provided by law (a. The right to judicial protection, b. Labor Inspection, within the framework of its legal responsibilities, c. Reporting to the Ombudsman, within the framework of its legal responsibilities).
Obligation of impartiality and confidentiality
The reporting person is obliged to act in the process of investigating the complaints in an objective and impartial manner. In addition, he must behave with respect to all parties involved and in a confidential and confidential manner. It is strictly forbidden to disclose or disclose to non-involved parties information concerning the complaint under consideration. The above obligations are also borne by the Management of the company during the final stage of taking measures and decisions.
Prohibition of Retaliation – Victimization of the complainant
Retaliation and victimization of the complainant, who, as the affected person, claimed his rights and submitted a written complaint regarding an incident of violence and harassment is prohibited. Retaliation and victimization of the complainant constitute a serious breach of this policy and have consequences for the person acting in this way.
Cooperation with administrative and judicial authorities
In the event that the affected person has reported the incident of violence and harassment before any administrative or judicial authority, the company undertakes to provide any necessary assistance and assistance, as well as any information it may have to these competent authorities.
Cases of Domestic Violence
The Company takes, as far as possible, measures for the protection of employment and the support of employees victims of domestic violence.
Any employee who has suffered domestic violence, which is also taking place in the workplace, can report this fact orally or in writing to his / her supervisor or to the Company’s Management, in order to be informed and to take the appropriate and necessary measures.
Derogations from the application of this Policy may not occur.
Employees who need more information or have questions about this policy can contact their Supervisor or the Company’s Management.
This Policy will be available and posted on the bulletin board of the Company’s branches.
Annex – External Sources of Information of Pan-Hellenic Scope
Contact details of the competent authorities
SEPE complaints hotline
- Call the citizen service line 1555 (operates 24/7)
Greek police
- Call 100 (works 24/7)
Domestic violence
- Call 100 (works 24/7).
- If you can not speak, send an SMS to 100.
- For more information, visit the following website of the Hellenic Police for Domestic Violence http://www.astynomia.gr/index.php?option=ozo_content&perform=view&id=2030&Itemid=421&lang
- Call 15900 (works 24/7)
General Secretariat for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality (G.G.I.F.):
- Call 15900 (works 24/7)
- If you can not speak, send an e-mail to sos15900@isotita.gr
Useful Websites